CMHA Kelowna collaborates with HeChangedIt to launch new series, supporting men’s mental health.
KELOWNA, BC, November 8, 2022 – CMHA Kelowna’s Discovery College is launching their new Real Talk series on November, 24th. The first of the series’ focus is on men’s mental health, in collaboration with HeChangedIt. The purpose of the Discovery College Real Talk series is to bring people together and know we’re not alone in our experiences.
Men’s mental health is an important, but frequently unspoken topic. November is often recognized as men’s health month through Movember. During Real Talk: MENtal Health, CMHA Kelowna hopes to break down the stereotype so often connected to “being a man” while also acknowledging the conversation about men’s mental health can’t stop at the end of November.
Stigma and shame so often contribute to why a man doesn’t seek mental health support, and men are three times more likely to die by suicide. That’s why CMHA Kelowna and HeChangedIt create change, giving men more mental health support and resources. Real Talk: MENtal Health’s goal is to open up the conversation with a panel of six men sharing their experiences, breaking down what it means to ‘man up’, and giving understanding about the realities that men are facing, and offering support for attendees. Panels will include HeCast podcast host Mike Chisholm, retired NHL burn survivor & Author, Aaron Volpatti, and local coffee roaster Dan Connolly of The Local Chemist.
Mike Gawliuk, CEO of CMHA Kelowna, said “Statistics on depression and suicide highlight how prevalent mental health challenges are with men. Unfortunately, men are much less likely to seek or receive mental health care. There needs to be a bigger shift in our culture so that openly discussing mental health issues and accessing supports is seen as an act of strength, not weakness.”
Andre Brosseau, President of Innov8 Digital Solutions spoke of why they chose to sponsor the event, “All too often there are men who are suffering in silence. The typical social norms suppress men’s ability to express and share the challenges they are facing and HeChangedIt & CMHA Kelowna are helping redefine this. We truly believe it is important to recognize and help bring this to the forefront.”
The in-person event will take place at Okanagan Co-Lab from 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM on Thursday, November 24th. Attendees will hear from a panel of guys talking about their experiences and also have the opportunity to browse some local men’s organizations and businesses, and network with guys who want to change what it means to ‘man-up’.
You can register online for your free in-person ticket at
Real Talk: MENtal Health is proudly sponsored by Innov8 Digital Solutions, and brought to you by CMHA Kelowna’s Discovery College in collaboration with HeChangedIt, and support from Co-Lab & Rebellious Unicorns.