Become a Member

By becoming a member of CMHA you are supporting specialized services across BC and in your community and much more.

above view of group meeting
woman in front of computer

Become a Member

Thank you for your interest in the Canadian Mental Health Association. By becoming a member of CMHA you are:

  • providing hope to the 1 in 5 Canadians who are directly affected by mental illness
  • supporting specialized services across BC and in your community
  • joining a movement to build a community of hope, support and inclusion for people with mental illness
  • showing you care about mental health in BC and in your community

Your Membership Includes:

  • a CMHA membership card to show you care about mental health in BC
  • membership to your local CMHA branch, CMHA BC Division and CMHA National
  • the opportunity to vote for members of our governing Board of Directors
  • a free subscription to the award-winning Visions Journal

Annual Membership Fees:

  • $20     Individual
  • $5       Individuals on limited income
  • $50     Organization

To Become a CMHA Member

Download form. Once completed, please deliver your membership form to:
Canadian Mental Health Association, Kelowna Branch
504 Sutherland Avenue
Kelowna, BCV1Y 5X1

We’re here to support 
you and your family.

Find out more about how this organization helps to create a mentally healthy community.